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Are You Owning Your Talents?

Talents are gifts, natural gifts or skills. No one basically has to teach us how to do these things but naturally, we know how to do them and the reason they are there is so we can build on them and utilize them fully. Some people would say they are “God-given gifts” or “Heaven-made gifts” but the fact remains that we own these gifts and we have access to them any day and anytime.

Most of the time you just wonder how this person is so good at this. Whenever they get a sheet of paper they can literally create anything out of it, or whenever they are in the kitchen they make dishes no one has ever thought of out of weird ingredients or make some cloths/costumes without the right tools, and when you ask if they were taught they say “no” it is their very own natural skill. Whatever it is you have as a natural skill never let go of it.

People often neglect their talents, some even find them useless and feel like it’s just there as something to brag about or something they wouldn’t need but the truth is that this particular gift is in you because you’re going to need it someday. It is there so you can discover it and work towards getting the best out of it. Imagine being able to move your body to any sound and getting paid to do that or getting recognized in many places just because you can do what you do. To you, it’s nothing but to the world it’s a big deal because there are people who do all sorts to themselves just to get your skills/talents. Where a person can cook any dish naturally without a recipe book or without even knowing two spices are meant to be combined to get a unique taste or aroma another person is making payments to be trained on how to combine those two spices.

Talents are like the extra cool cash you need on low-pay days. When you own up to your talents you discover more things about yourself and you could even come across other opportunities not expected. You get this feeling of satisfaction and joy when you own up to this gift because it’s something natural, no one is forcing you or putting pressure on you to do it and you are proud you can do it. If it’s being mentioned anywhere you would accept it without having one doubt you might fail to do it right.

You should accept your talent and harness it. As humans,it is beneficial to appreciate all we can do and never feel it’s too little because our little is someone else’s big. Cherish your talents it is yours and yours alone. Let it remind you of the fact that you’re a special kind and the world awaits your special kind.

Peculiar Star

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

(Dee Dee)

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