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Do not let your past define you.

There are different phases in life and these phases are packed with experiences. These experiences can build or marr depending on perception and a person's view of life. Our experiences are there to remind us of how far we have come. Experiences are there to remind you of mistakes so you don’t repeat them and gain valuable lessons from them.

The reality of this is that sometimes people hold on to the ones that are not relevant. Holding on to those hate speeches, and horrible voices that have no power over the future limits you. The power experiences have over the future, is the power given to them.

By holding on to experiences, there is the possibility of enhancing triggers which can limit growth. With triggers, you find yourself afraid of making decisions due to the fear of a traumatic event happening again.

Experiences and triggers can be a minor setback but you could miss life-changing opportunities. Let your past be a reminder, not your definition.

A past mistake, a past challenge and undesirable circumstances should not set the course for your future. Stand firm, take a bold step and let the world see your beauty. As hard as it might seem to let go remember it is a past for a reason so keep trying you’ve got all it takes, so let go of the past.


Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

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