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Africa is a continent with diverse tribes, languages, cultures and traditions. West Africa , North Africa, Eastern Africa and South Africa. The African continent is rich with human resources, natural resources and organic resources.

West African has 17 countries embedded with major resources such as Gold, Limestone, Uranium , Bauxite, Coal,Cocoa, Cobalt, Baryte and Petroleum amongs others.

As at May 2021 the total population of West Africa was 411,641,881.

The Eastern African comprises 20 countries. The highest mountains are located in East Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya. The longest River in Africa, the River Nile, which is sourced from Lake Victoria is located in this region. As at May 2021 the total population of Eastern Africa was 456,198,320.

North Africa consist of 7 countries – Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara. Libya is one of the oil producing countries in Africa and contributes to 1/3 of Africa’s total GDP. Apart from Oil North Africa is rich in copper, gold and coltan. It is also richly endowed in solar and wind energy. Total population of North Africa is 250, 378,706.

South Africa includes 5 countries: Zambia, Losotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Botswana,Zimbabwe. With a total population as at May 2021 at 68313350. Finally, Central Africa provides us with resources such as Timber, Diamonds, Cotton and Coffee. She consists of 10 countries with a total population of 184,574,166.

African is rich in resources and also rich in culture. There are a lot of herbs for health, clothing for fashion, beautiful artistic work of art and tourist places. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also recognised the use of traditional herbal medicine. As it is popularly used by Africans, Chinese, Indians amongst others. Industries are investing millions of dollars on herbal medicines developed from plants. Meanwhile, there is ongoing research in Africa by a research institute based in a developed country on how herbs can be used to cure or manage HIV. It is believed that there are plants in Africa that are antiviral. Popular countries in Africa are Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Libya, Mozambique, Tanzania.

In the heart of African culture is the way we dress, dance, food we eat and language.

Join Peculiar Stars Limited as we take you through the beauty of Africa not just with our products and bodily enhancements but blogs that intrigues your imaginations.


Tilbury and Kaptchuk 2018 .Herbal medicine research and global health: an ethical analysis.

Wikipedia , 2021. Natural Resources of Africa , 2012.

Available on Aljazeera, 2021. Mapping Africa’s Natural Resources . Available on Mapping Africa’s natural resources | Infographic News | Al Jazeera. Accessed April 12, 2021

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